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1 Resultado de traducción para to be insulting en español


insult verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
insulted, has insulted, is insulting, insults
insultar, ofender, injuriar

Ejemplos de uso de
insult verb

  • She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions.
  • We were greatly insulted by his rudeness.
  • They're understandably insulted when no one asks for their opinion on a matter that affects them so much.

Sinónimos de
insult verb

Sinónimos detallados para insult verb

Ver: Offend

Traducción inversa para to be insulting

insultar  - to insult 
ofender  - to offend, to be insulting, to offend, to insult 
injuriar  - to insult, to revile 
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